An Overview
As the world is converging into a single global entity, technology is blurring the lines between geographies, services and solutions. In this era of a flat, borderless world, Prime Consultancy is committed to going beyond service into value addition in the truest sense of the word. To understand not just what our customers want, but what their businesses needs; to meet not just immediate requirements, but provide long-term solutions; to being not just reactive to client needs but being proactive to solve their future challenges.

Commitment to Quality
We are committed to achieve and exceed client expectations through flawless professional services provided by a team of highly motivated and competent personnel.
We constantly understand the needs of our clients. We believe that the satisfaction of each need involves a tailor-made solution that combines flawless processes, latest technology and above all, ongoing innovation.
We endeavor to understand our clients' business and ultimately assist them to achieve their goals with our professional contribution.
We uphold, at all times, high standards of professional ethics that our clients' deserve of us; we ensure regulatory compliance
and commit to comply with and better the effectiveness of Quality Management Systems.
We employ and retain the best talent who practice our core values of professional ethics and mutual respect; we empower them through our Knowledge Management Initiatives.
In our dealings with clients, associates and other stakeholders, we exercise utmost professional care and fairness.

Our Core Values

Our Services Model
In today's dynamic business environment, change is the only constant. Our service delivery units are designed to help businesses proactively anticipate and manage the impact of change and meet emerging economic imperatives. Over the years, we have realized that as trusted advisors of our clients, we cannot just be delivering ``what our clients want`` but ``what our clients should get;`` and this philosophy has completely changed our service orientation towards our clients.
The business attributes of our service model are as follows:
• Deep understanding of the clients’ business
• Continuous interaction and engagement with our clients
• Deep understanding of local and global business environment
• Extensive use of IT support
• Value-driven and outcome-based service delivery
• Cross-functional teams at work

Prime Consultancy has built an extensive client base across diverse industry sectors, including:

Health Services

Professional Services

Leisure, Tourism and Hospitality

Retail and Wholesale